Wednesday, June 6, 2012

end of the year reflection

This year, I feel like I gradually got better as an artist. On the first day, I honestly could only draw stick figures, hearts and stars. Now, I know how to draw fruit, as well as myself and other things, and even how to shade properly to give the drawing a more realistic look. I had a lot of fun in art this year, and I thank my teacher Mrs. Kiick for all the help she has given me!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

clay eating set- in progress

We are currently in the process of making an eating set (bowl, plate, and a cup) out of clay, in honor of someone that has made an impact in our lives, whether they're living, dead, or a cartoon character. I'm making my eating set in memory of my Aunt Cass, who passed away two years ago. This is a picture of what my bowl and plate look far. I'm really excited to see what my finished eating set turns out to look like!

metal work- final outcome

 As you can see on my previous blog post, we made paper outlines of the metal pin we wanted to make. After we took the paper outlines of our metal pins, we traced them onto actual metal panels. Tracing the outline was easy, but it was the sawing that was a challenge. I think I broke around 12 sawblades in the process, maybe more. After sawing was finished, we soddered the metal and finally fired it. I was really impressed about how my metal pin turned out

Thursday, January 19, 2012

miniature metal marvels

Right now, we're working on creating little metal panels. This picture is my panel design; the brown paper represents copper, the silver paper represents nickel, and the yellow paper represents brass. After we cut our designs out, we have to trace them on to the metal, and then saw the metal. We can also add textures to the metal by using hammers and other tools. Knowing myself, I'm definitely going to be breaking a sawblade, no matter how hard I try to be careful, I know it will happen. I'm just really excited to see how my design turns out!

identity collage

When we were told that we were going to make a collage that described ourselves, I honestly thought it would be easy. It wasn't. I first had to find things that described who I am, like my personality, my early childhood years, memories I don't want to let go of. After searching the uncharted disaster of a room I have, I found a few small things that actually say a lot about me, even though you might not understand it. There are a few song lyrics underneath the coating of gold paint, but you don't know what those lyrics mean to me. To some people reading them, they're just a bunch of words put together. To some people, there are just pictures of a little girl looking out from behind part of a swingset. To some people, there are just gold chains and eyeliner and a pin of a doll. But for me, there's meaning behind all of them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

self-portraits :)

I had absolutely NO self-confidence when starting the self portrait. All I could think of was how I would try to draw myself in the past, and how that epically failed. But in the past, I didn't use all the techniques I did this time. Griding the paper as well as my picture and taking it step by step really helped me figure out where my eyes and nose and all my features went. After I inked the small, start off portrait, I thought- one down, time to try this again. I used the same techniques as before, and soon enough, I had my face on a big piece of paper. Inking and painting came soon after drawing it out, and in the end, my picture actually kind of looked like me!